Thursday, December 29, 2005

sometimes life can be so disenchanting, as I'm sure you're aware. It's weird, though, everything can be sailing along just as it always does, and just one day (or several) it bugs you. I mean, it's the same old stuff, but all of the sudden it's boring, dreary, unfulfilling, sad, wrong, unkempt, and just plain not the way you had perceived it to be. Luckily, it usually goes back to the way it was - sometimes of its own accord, sometimes through one's owns actions... In a way, the disenchanted becomes disenchanted, or shall we say re-enchanted? It all depends, really, on whether we want to consider positive things enchanted, or negative. I, personally, have always felt enchanted to be a positive thing. Anyway, nothing is more indicative of these feelings for me than work. I can handle the daily grind and doldrums of the actual customer service aspect, but sometimes the employees are just too much for me, I swear. For months at a time we can cruise along and everything's fine and I am so proud of how wonderful and kind and perfect they all are. Then, I don't know, they collectively set out to prove me wrong. No, that's not quite right. I mean, I still love 'em all to death (which may be reason enough for me NOT to be a manager), but, and I suppose everyone in the world is guilty of this, or near enough, and certainly *I* am as guilty of it as the next one, but, they seem to just up and collectively decide to hate on some poor new-hire. Now, sure, the new-hire is bar-none a slow learner, a blacksheep, and a pariah, but, dang it, they're trying their hardest more oft than not (there definitely have been exceptions to this). I don't know, it just isn't fair to this new person to not only have to learn all the ins-and-outs of the job as a whole (which, given time, is quite an easy job - but it's a lot to learn all at once), but to also deal with constant scorn, ridicule, and attitude from their coworkers (who *should* be their support system, after all). I know it's human nature, but it's just so cruel. It's disenchanting is all. And that makes me sad.


At Friday, December 30, 2005 4:14:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are as easily disenchanted as you are enchanted my friend. I'm only glad I'm not the cause of any disenchanting right now:) Mwahahahahah Cafe Girls! It is YOU, not I who has failed!!!

It'll all work out though. The senior staff will grow to love the new ones if they are timid and respect them if they are mean. And thus, with all retail jobs, everything will fall into the depressing slumber of mediocrity.

At Monday, January 02, 2006 1:18:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

It is because they are girls man. Girls is evil...EVIL!!

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 1:57:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey paul, this is emily. i cant quite figure out how to comment the right way so hopefully this way works.

i'm really sorry we're so mean and i really am trying. hopefully with the holidays over now, everyone including me will have a little more patience.

on a lighter note, i hope your new years was enjoyable-with the wedding and all. enjoy your vacation and i'll see you thursday for lunch?

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 10:22:00 AM, Blogger _paul said...

thanks emmy. Really it's more just me getting things off my chest, clearing my ming, and generally complaining. If it was something I felt needed direct intervention (such as someone being openly rude, harrassing, discriminating, etc.) then I'd step in and handle it actively (I hope) instead of passively blogging it.

I'm glad if you're trying to be nice, and, believe it or not, I *have* noticed your efforts in this area. thank you again.

Don't get me wrong either, in the past I have acted in exactly the same manner towards other employees, but I like to remember that I gave them a "grace period" so to speak - a trial period, say 3 to 4 months in which to really learn their job, before I just totally slammed them (and still slam them to this day - so I'm just as guilty - hypocrisy, thy name is Paul). So, I dunno, I think it's really different this time since I'm, you know, the boss or something. Or, I dunno, mebbe I've *gulp* changed or something...

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:06:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Paul, it's Randall. You cannot claim to have *changed* unless you get get a haircut you hippie!

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 2:11:00 PM, Blogger _paul said...

what if I just put my hair up in pigtails or a ponytail or, or, part it differently? Would that count then?

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 7:58:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Paul, this is kendra, i too like emily can't quite figure things out...on blahg and at the cafe. i can only say that, yes, girls can be mean, but we can also be super sweet (gene, you've got to agree). In defense i say, after so many attempts to be patient, when the new hire still fails to do things correctly, or do things at all on her own accord, there's a point where someone just says "forget it." I would also like to add that "hate" is a strong word, because i don't think it is a matter of hating the person, rather hating working with them because he or she is "deadweight." It is only this bad during the holidays though, at least i hope. With my head down in shame i say, "i'm sorry for fitting into your model." Today was a good day though, and we can only hope to keep improving. Thanks for your honesty

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:18:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will admit nothing Kendra. If there is something I have learned after all these years it is to deny deny deny, and if you have to pass the buck to someone else! Ok if I must I will admit SOME girls can be super sweet. I still say girls are evil though...EVIL!! As for you Paul, I think you should go postal on the whole store! Put stamps everywhere. Get it postal...stamps...hey its not any better than any of yours buddy!

At Wednesday, January 04, 2006 11:49:00 PM, Blogger _paul said...

I'm so excited to have so many comments so early in my young blahg's life. ^^ Kendra, I did notice the great pains you went through to make today better. I thank you from the bottom of my hairy heart (I'm sure it's hairy - everything else is :p). Also, that is proof positive that girls *can* be super sweet.

At Thursday, January 05, 2006 2:30:00 PM, Blogger Randall Case said...

Girls can be sweet, women on the other hand tend to crush the life out of the male existence, squeezing until the last drop of red puddles on the floor at their feet. Oops, gotta go, my wife is home.

At Thursday, January 05, 2006 5:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No trouble about the other day...things went smoother on all accounts! Well, i guess i better get roling on my own blag in an attempt to lure comments my way!

At Saturday, January 07, 2006 1:25:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Like Emily and Kendra, I wanted to say something.....

I understand that some of the people who have been at the cafe for a long time are really stuck in their ways. It is such a routine in that everyone knows what they are doing, when they should do it, for how long, blah blah blah. And when someone new comes in, it disturbs the routine. It's especially hard when the new person doesn't seem to be learning quickly. When I first started working, everyone went out of their way to say that I was learning quickly and that was really the majority of the praise I got... which means it meant the most to everyone. I guess what I'm trying to say is that the holidays suck when you work in retail and it doubly sucks when there's someone there who 1. can't/doesn't work 2. is slow 3. has a horrible attitude 4.gets in the way. I've been trying really hard to be nice to the new people, though I don't always go out of my way. It is a job. You need to learn how to do it and do it right. It's that simple. I think it's hard for the new people because everyone is pressuring them and getting pissed off when things don't work out. So I'm sorry Paul. I know I'm not your senior staff by any means, but I do know that I fell into that category of harrassment with at least one new person. On the bright side, I think people are calming down and with school, things will go back to normal.

See ya lata alligata.


p.s. some customer REALLY liked how you made my nametag at work ie: Re:becca. Just thought you'd like to know.

At Saturday, January 07, 2006 7:44:00 PM, Blogger _paul said...

aw shucks! Now I remember why I love you guys. ^^

At Sunday, January 08, 2006 8:14:00 PM, Blogger Randall Case said...

Het Paul, seems like this Blog has really gotten some feedback from your employees. You should try to integrate it into the normal operation of the cafe...set up a Blog and let all the emplyees post, even anonymously if they prefer.

At Friday, January 20, 2006 11:44:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

One has to wonder/worry about said blog would become a breeding ground of hatred. Many people in this world are simple not masters of their emotions and allow said emotions to effect their professional environment.

After all, work isn't the same as a social situation. You simply aren't allowed to not get along with someone because they irritate you.

It's a job, people's personal opinions of other people and their work habits shouldn't really even factor in.

You go to work, you work for your shift, maybe it's harder or not due to business, people your working with, or whatever, but who cares? Then you go home, at the end of the week/2weeks, you get your paycheck and the whole thing starts over again.

Personal opinions only complicate matters and cause people to act in a manner that lacks professionalism.

At Tuesday, December 11, 2012 10:57:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

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