Friday, January 13, 2006

Egads, it's been awhile since I've posted. I mean, I've been responding to comments, but no new posts. What is my problem? *shrug* Laziness more'n likely. Laziness and new games from Christmas which keep me entirely too occupied. Well, laziness, new games from Christmas, AND hangin' out with buddies, compatriots, companions, friends, pals, cohorts, associates, compadres, affiliates, and people I know. Have you ever referred to a friend as a "pal o' mine" - I have. It's fun. It's kind of like a horse, a palomino. Palomino's have golden or tan coats, but I like golden. It makes it sounds like more a good thing to call one's friend, as opposed to calling them a horse.

See, it has recently come to my attention that likening people to animals is, more often than not, a bad thing. A friend of mine, Cathy, from work, is making me a list of animals which I should never compare women too. No doubt it will prove positively invaluable (what if something was negatively invaluable? we'd prolly just throw it away then, eh?). It all started waaaay back in aught five, December I think it was. Ah yes, it was December 21st - a Wednesday. We were simultaneously celebrating Teppeis birthday AND Teppei's successful return from Dubai ( a member of the United Arab Emirates), when, I inadvertently (okay, purposefully, but with no ill will) likened a dear, dear friend of mine to a hippopotamus. Now, before you judge me thoroughly cruel and base, please know this; I did not call her a hippo because hippos are fat, nor because hippos have big mouths or eat tons and tons. No, I brought up a certain likeness to hippos ONLY because she had mentioned a certain lack of physical refinement at sports, excepting swimming. Swimming, she claimed, was her forte, her cup of tea. Her normal clumsy actions became svelte and smooth when submerged. Well, I dunno, that sounds like a hippo to me. Or maybe a penguin. I should've said penguin. Man I'm stupid.

Luckily for me, she has forgiven my trespasses against her. I certainly made it hard, though, as, I brought it up in equally, or perhaps increasingly, embarrassing ways. So, once and for all, I am sorry.


At Saturday, January 14, 2006 12:12:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What, so you will leave comments for Shannon but not me? I'm crushed! Happy New Year Pauly Paul!

At Wednesday, February 01, 2006 2:11:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If something is invaluable, isn't it, by definition, positive. If something were negative, could it be invaluable?

Just curious,

-- your favorite brother

At Wednesday, February 01, 2006 5:39:00 PM, Blogger _paul said...

well, I'm not sure I agree there, Rick.

Let's see, the definition of invaluable is simply: "of inestimable value; priceless" or "having incalculable monetary worth."

I personally infer from this, then, that something could, indeed, be negatively invaluable, as it could be so worthless as to not have a calculable monetary worth. I'm thinking dirt (in a non-"Water World" scenatrio), air (in this saturated market we currently have outside of our bodies of water and beneath the canopy of space), dust, etc.

I dunno. *shrug* whattya think?

At Saturday, February 04, 2006 12:28:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I dunno. I suppose I'll concede to you air and dirt have an inestimable value, but I wouldn't say they are negative -- I suppose neutral at best, though I would certainly argue that air is generally a positive thing.
So I suppose what I'm saying is that we are both wrong:p


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