Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Here you'll finally see some pictures of the kickin' paint job adorning my shiny new digs. The diamonds really turned out well. Kudos to Ariel on that, again, as she did most of the work. I helped ever so slightly by replacing the tape on the foamboard diamond stencils (not the most optimal way to paint diamonds, I might add). Paint soaked stencil difficulties aside, simply placing them in a connected, repeating pattern is quite hard. A problem which is only exacerbated by a delightfully settled house and it's delightfully sloping ceilings. :p

Then there's some pictures of 17's Christmas present from his Grandma Hockin. See, poor ol' 17 just HATEs drinking stagnate water. He'll basically not drink water out of a bowl unless he's given no other option, and even then sparingly. He really likes drinking water straight from the tap, letting the water spill onto his head and over his cold, pink nose before lapping it up with his sandpaper-y li'l tongue (the water has to be just trickling out, though; He's no high pressure cat). Problem is, I won't facilitate this, heck no! He gets cat hair all over the sink, and it's just an out and out waste of water. His grandma spoiled him when he lived with her, of course, as grandmas are wont to do. Not being able to spoil him with the real thing anymore, though, she did her best with this great fountain. It really is pretty cool! It looks like the teapot is floating! And best of all, 17 loves it. I've never seen him drink so much water. I bet his kidneys are happy now, too.

Yeah, so, there's some pictures! Yay! You can see in the fountain pictures the color of the majority of the walls (the diamonds are just an accent piece, or perhaps a focal point). Also, you can see part of Xavier's head in the diamond picture - bonus!

Also, I attribute the recent drought in posting to the Holidays. I hope that's alright, though I'm sure it was just awful not having the ol' blahg to read for so long. 'Course, not updating really does go a long way towards putting the 'blah' in blahg...


At Wednesday, January 10, 2007 8:37:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That fountain is cool! Also, 17 is super cute.

At Wednesday, January 10, 2007 10:43:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

He said "shiny".... ;-)

At Tuesday, January 23, 2007 4:59:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That discription of 17 an the pink lil' nose and all that, was both adorable AND disgusting

! But in any case. well written


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