Yikes! I have a dour post and then miss a weak. Sorry 'bout that! Not the impression I meant to leave. Things have been looking up. I got the movin' debacle ironed out. The accident thing is still a bummer, but cerainly no the end of the world.
Next week is Thanksgiving and will find me back in Michigan. Yep, I'll be there for 2 short days 'fore the big drive back to Utah. What's exciting is that I'll get to seem Thea (I was sure to capitalize it that time) and my family and (some of) Thea's family and my car. Yay! What's not so exciting is a 25 hour drive with 17. He doesn't like cars very much...
Ariel and Randall put a bid in on a house and it was accepted! So, as long as nothing surprising pops up, we'll all find ourselves in a much bigger, nice new (to us) house on December 2nd! Just a week after Thea gets here. Cool!
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
a general purpose blog about whatever, thus the blah in the title. Hopefully not all blah, but sure to be some, read away if you feel so inclined, surf away if not.
Previous Posts
- Been having a bad run lately...The movers came and...
- Got my haircut this past weekend. No, for you hip...
- I got a new guitar. Well, I don't have it yet, bu...
- Wanna see somethin' crazy? Yeah? Okay, check thi...
- Iiiiiit's Tuesday! And that means it's blahgin' t...
- The Scabbers ManifestoPreviously thought lost to t...
- In The Parkthat's right, I finally got some pictur...
- Well well well. The first day of work is over (we...
- Well, I made it. Utah is now resident richer. he...
- So, I'm down to just four days left of work. Well...
That makes me laugh a lot because Nate and Angie just had their bid accepted on a house here in Kazoo and when they move in I get to live in the basement! It'll be just like old times at my parents house :)
The real question is whether Carlos drools as much as Babe used to. If so, then it most definitely WILL be just like ol' times. If there is an uncarpeted spot, beware, as bursitis could ensue...
I'd be careful about this guy, thea. He capitalized your name, just like he did everyone else's name. Shouldn't he be treating you special?
Have a nice trip, Paul! That is going to be a long drive. Do you have a cat carrier for Seventeen? That would make it a little more calm, so long as you made sure he got out for some walks from time to time! In any case, have a good one.
Hey, congrats on the house! I hope you're with Thea when she comes to pick up 17, it would be nice to see you- even if for a minute. Though, i must warn you, Dustin and I have been seriously considered hiding him in the closet and saying he ran away...I really dont want him to go. Say, maybe I shall put you and Thea in the closet too! and I'll just tell anyone who stops by that you ran away.
Do you think I should get 17 a leash?
You mean Ulner Neuropathy, I think. And no, Carlo doesnt drool. Speaking of drool - mom and dad just go a new bulldog and shes BIGGER than babe!
If you stop by Kazoo anytime during the holidays drop me aline and we'll grab some lunch or something. The fams coming to Kazoo for Thanksgiving so I wont be in Chartucky for that :(
A propos of nothing on this post, Happy Thanksgiving, a little late, from me and mine to you and yours.
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