Saturday, January 14, 2006

now, for a lot of you all, this topic may be boring, but, for those of you who are hip to the newest news in browsers and know, deep in the cockles and sub cockles of your hearts, that firefox is the bee's knees of the bee-rowsing bee-eauties, read on. What follows are my recommended must-have extensions to this browser of the people and for the people. Yee haw!

In no particular order:

Gmail Manager: well, if you don't have gmail, then forget it (or ask me for an invite, I got a pretty much limitless supply...). If you do have gmail, though, ESPECIALLY if you have multiple accounts or multiple gmail users on your computer (and trust the other users NOT to read your mail, or don't care if they do) then this is the extension for you - it will simultaneously log into all of your accounts and notify you every time a new message arrives. Then, with but a simple click of the mouse, it loads your inbox in a new tab et viola, you're checkin' and replyin' and archivin' and forwardin' to yer hearts content

Colorzilla: This extension is great if you're into web design at all, as it allows you to easily select colors (with an eye drop tool, just like in Paint or Photoshop) and ascertain their hex and rgb values, as well as their height and width (in pixels) and several other useful functions. It's neat.

Tab Mix Plus and Tabbrowser Preferences: these ones give you more control over one of firefox's (and opera's) strong points: tabbed browsing. From status bars on the tabs (to indicate tab loading time) to opening multiple links in tabs in a single click to opening urls in the url bar and searches from the search bar in new tabs (one of my faves) these two pretty much cover it all.

Session Saver: this one rawks! I mean, it is really nice. It keeps track of all of your open tabs and reloads 'em all when you next open your firefox browser. I like this because, well, I just leave all the sites I visit open in tabs, and then, everytime I open, they load up and I just click through 'em. Lazy? maybe. Nice? definitely. Ideal? To me, yes. On dial-up, perhaps the tried and true bookmark method is best in this case. hehe. The only downside I've found is this: session saver only saves the session you close last. That is to say, if you close you're main window first, only to discover a pop-under, you had better not close the pop-under or that's all that will be saved. The workaround is to reopen the browser, close the pop-under/pop-up/crappy ad, and, finally, close the browser again. I dunno, you'll figure it out. I have confidence. You're very smart!

Conquery: I like to use the built in search bar in firefox. It's nice that you can add several different engines to it, not just google (which comes with it), but a ton of others from amazon and ask jeeves to yahoo and webster dictionary and everything in between (found here). Copy and pasting isn't too bad for querying these databases from words found on other sites, but, dang it, that requires two hands (if you're effeicient) or else lots of clicking and pointing. Lots of clicking and pointing, that is, unless you have Conquery. Conquery simply adds the search engines to the context menu (the menu the comes when you right click), so you just select what you want to query, right click, select your search engine and, bingo bongo, a new tab is open and search results are arriving posthaste - awesome!

US Department of Homeland Insecurity Idiocy Level: this one is absolutely useless as far as functionality, efficiency, or necessity are concerned. However, it is a wonderful statement. I like it. With it, you'll always know what threat advisory level we're on, from amber (I haven't seen it off of amber since I installed it over 1.5 years ago...) to orange to red or even the idealistic green (or is it jade, since yellow has to be all churched up as amber?), all with a nice touch of irony in the mix (for example, amber isn't called amber, it's referred to as "scared").

Anyway, I highly recommend these extensions and I highly recommend firefox.


At Tuesday, January 17, 2006 1:55:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think it takes having firefox and Paul around to know JUST HOW COOL it is... or you know.. being someone else who likes firefox and computers... but it really really is cool, for those of you with no Paul and no Firefox, dfinately try to give it a try.
And then talk Paul into installing all of it onto my labtop please.


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