Now, I want everyone to make sure they're sitting down before they read this. It's okay, I'll wait.
Okay? Everyone situated? Alright, well, what? You need to grab a drink? Okay...
So, I've finally decided to let the world know I love a certain person by going out on a limb and commiting myself to her in more than just deed, but in traditional fashion as well, with an engagement ring and all. That's right, I've asked Thea to marry me. Surprising as it may seem, she said 'yes' (okay, so I know *one* person who is really freakin' out in disbelief, but for everyone else firmly planted in reality... well, prolly not a huge surprise). Cool, huh?
Well, yes, very cool. I don't like public spectacles when it concerns serious things like this, so be nice to me, okay? Else I might turn all red and stuff. *blush* It's weird, I mean, if you wanna make fun of me for something stupid I did, no problem, but try'n' congratulate me on something good, and you just embarass me to no end - it's just 'how I roll' =P
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
a general purpose blog about whatever, thus the blah in the title. Hopefully not all blah, but sure to be some, read away if you feel so inclined, surf away if not.
Previous Posts
- Check out how cool seventeen is! Yeah, well, he's...
- So, I don't have any sort of tv channels right now...
- Well, I had my interview (the secret thing I was w...
- Another boring post coming atcha, but seriously, i...
- Well, Valentine's came and went. The turn out thi...
- Gosh, this is late, but here are the Oatman and My...
- Top 5 reasons why M is definitely a corporate spy:...
- The Next President?Possibly. Definitely Maybe. S...
- Here's a picture of me playing pudgy bunny. Man, ...
- Based on the comments from the last post, I dub th...
Let me be the first to say Congrats my friend!!!
I think it's fantastic Paul. We always knew it would happen and now that it has, we couldn't be happier for you! Congrats.
Congratulations to both of you.
Well - like you said - it should come as no shocker.
Thea is pretty frickin cool and you're pretty frickin hilarious - should turn out to be a pretty frickin hilarious/cool marriage, no? Awesome.
- M2
Congratulations!!! I cant believe we cancelled lunch, i could've known sooner! Ah well, I'm so happy for you and Thea. You two are great together.
Congratulations!!! I'd say I wish you both happiness, but that would just be silly, since you're happy already. Continued happiness? Whatever, it's just frickin cool and I'm so happy for you both.
Engagment is a BAD idea. BUT given the situation I agree good course of action. When you find that one person that "gets you" hold on....otherwise it's a long life.....
omigoodness! i'm so happy for you both!
Wow. You're getting married?! That's a happy surprised question/exclamation. Not "I think it is bad" question/exclamation. Holy geez. Paul is getting married. So, do you want to do my econ homework for me?
Holy COWS!
thanks for all the support guys! ^^
congratulations pauly paul!
Treat her well. I have a gun and a shovel. I doubt any of these other commenters would really miss you.
-- the big brother
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