Thursday, February 09, 2006

Oatman and MystiqueGosh, this is late, but here are the Oatman and Mystique costumes that Thea made for Halloween. Only, at the point in time this picture was taken (by Teppei - thanks Teppei!), we had removed our gloves (hers were white, mine were black). Hands sans gloves are better to eat with, my dear.

These are awesome costumes, though, aren't they? Thea is an amazing seamstress, especially since she has had no training, really - she's just picked it up from her friends who sew. I designed my costume, though, so mebbe I can get some credit (yeah, right, like design takes any work...)

Oh! I *did* make the "utility" belt, replete with spoons (well, it was a ladle actually, and we had to use it for the punch, so it's not pictured either, lol), Instant Oatmeal (for those really in a bind), and, of course, the regular ol' Quaker Oats - breakfast of champions.

For the Mystique (of X-men fame) costume, Thea made the dress, Bonnie (Thea's sister) sculpted the skull forehead charm, and she purchased the boots, belt, and gloves (again, not pictured). The blueness of her skin is actually just poor circulation and low body temperature. hehe Just kidding. It's children's finger paint (the shower drain was blue for days). She even went to work like this (only in one of Mystique's more casual outfits). Crazy, huh?


At Thursday, February 09, 2006 1:19:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Wow, those ARE cool costumes!


At Thursday, February 09, 2006 5:13:00 PM, Blogger Randall Case said...

Mystique looks hot...must have made your oatmeal mushy!

At Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:24:00 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You two are the hottest couples in the history of hot couples. I mean, what could be better than mystique and oatman?? dun dun dun. . .

At Saturday, February 11, 2006 12:45:00 AM, Blogger _paul said...

it's true - Oatman's corduroy outfit is VERY hot - I almost sweat to death! And Mystique's, er, well, paint doesn't breath so well so I bet it gets hot too. Yeah! That's the ticket...


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