Well, Alice is over and I'm done with ballets... at least, that's what I would've said had you asked me last week (and, in fact, what I DID say to some people last week). However, due to the lack of male dancers at my dance school and the sudden disappearance of the only other one, I know find myself in the Kalamazoo Ballet and Bullard School's 2006 performance of "In the Park". Crazy how things turn out sometimes!
I only have one week to learn this show (well, two more days as of this posting), as it is this Saturday, May 13th. Fortunately, I had taken all but Monday off from work as my birthday is on Friday. Apparently I'm doing ballet for my vacation. Not my first choice, but not entirely undesirable either. This time I have more of a leading role though, and am center stage during almost half of the show. I don't do much in the way of dance steps (though I DO have a couple), but I have lots of lifts and promenades with six different ballerinas. So, yeah, I'm pretty much a stud now, ;D. lol
I'm writing this blog entry from the beautiful Dowagiac campus of Southwestern Michigan College (which, coincidentally, is where my ballet show is at on Saturday), straight from the TLC (Teaching and Learning Center) where Gene is currently fulfilling his employment roles. It basically consists of talking to me, getting up and making people sign in, and browsing the web, checking email, and blogging (all of which he has blogged about over and over again on his blog). So... not wanting to disrupt such a harmonious environment, here I sit blogging contently in between articles on ram timings and the Korean android, Ever-1. Now I'm finally living the dream. ^^
Wednesday, May 10, 2006
a general purpose blog about whatever, thus the blah in the title. Hopefully not all blah, but sure to be some, read away if you feel so inclined, surf away if not.
Previous Posts
- And here're the pictures of Thea (there were too m...
- Here're some pictures of me in my "bear" costume (...
- Just some updates to old posts here:The engagement...
- No music. lol That's what happened in the middle...
- It's getting closer and closer to the big debut of...
- Thea and I are going to Les Miserables today at th...
- As usual, I've fallen off the bloggin' horse. How...
- Now, I want everyone to make sure they're sitting ...
- Check out how cool seventeen is! Yeah, well, he's...
- So, I don't have any sort of tv channels right now...
Nice going Barishnikov! Congrats.
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