Hmmm. I've been on a Mah Jong Solitaire kick recently. Not sure why, but I am. I used to play it ALL the time back in Highschool, but have been pretty much free of the habit up until last week. Heck, I even had Thea and Ariel playing it the other day. Eh, it's mindless fun that doesn't take too long to complete (though you may be at it awhile if you decide to play it until you beat it). Sometimes Mah Jong is called Taipei. Funny, that.
Yesterday I had the day off for MLK day. Always nice to have a paid holiday.
Oh, that reminds me, Thea got a temp position at the place of my employ and has been working there since last Monday. Very cool. The work is a little tedious I hear, but it's good to get some extra income flowing - Gotta save up for that weddin' don'tchaknow.
I got Guitar Hero II last month for Christmas and boy is it a good 'un. One of the unlockable songs is Trogdor! That makes the game worth it right there! lol It also has a Nirvana song AND a Rage Against the Machine song. Very nice. There're new game modes, too: A practice mode, A co-op mode (where one person plays lead guitar and the other either rythim or base, depending on the song), and a new PRO Head-to-Head mode in which both players play all the parts (instead of the silly switching licks back and forth). All in all I'd have to say Guitar Hero II is a must buy (but then, we knew that already, right?).
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
a general purpose blog about whatever, thus the blah in the title. Hopefully not all blah, but sure to be some, read away if you feel so inclined, surf away if not.
Previous Posts
- Here you'll finally see some pictures of the kicki...
- A day late (and a dollar short?) on this post. I ...
- Wow. I guess I should post short posts ALL the tim...
- Short post today.Last weekend was spent moving int...
- Well, we made it. After almost 30 hours of drivin...
- Yikes! I have a dour post and then miss a weak. ...
- Been having a bad run lately...The movers came and...
- Got my haircut this past weekend. No, for you hip...
- I got a new guitar. Well, I don't have it yet, bu...
- Wanna see somethin' crazy? Yeah? Okay, check thi...
It's also got Foo fighters and some of the better 80s hair band songs.
GHII is WAY more fun for the multi-players out there. Although I still say the Expert mode in GHI is more difficult.
Too bad you're way out in Utah cause we're having a GHII party tonight here in Kazoolywood. I'll think about you when I'm rocking the shiznit outta some Rage and Nirvana^^
@blue acorn:
While Guitar Hero 2 made their Hammer On and Pull Backs way easier, I'd have to disagree with you on it being easier in expert mode than Guitar Hero 1. Other than Bark at the Moon and that Pantera song, I sailed through GH1 on expert. GH2 has songs that move much faster and have a lot more strumming. Since strumming isn't my strong suit, GH2 wins "hardest Guitar Hero" hands down for me.
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