Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Only 59 days 'til the wedding - the pressure is on. Really, though, I am blessed by a wonderful family (on both sides) and many wonderful friends, so the whole thing is coming together quite painlessly.

Gas prices continue to rise (everywhere, I'm sure) so my boss has allowed us to start telecommuting two times a week now! It's pretty great. Mondays and Wednesdays are my new home office days. I've started eating breakfast at 9 on those days (instead of 7 - yes I eat breakfast at work) so I can catch some of "The Price is Right". Boy is Mountain Time ever screwy! lol Plus it just sounds funny, like some sort of M.C. Hammer rhyme, "It's Mountain Time (can't touch this!)".

My birthday is coming up and I've already started receiving gifts! It's crazy, really, because I figure I don't really need anything - especially with all the help I've been getting for the wedding and all. Thank you guys! *note: the preceding paragraph was in no way a ploy to guilt gifts out of you guys*

Anyway, don't forget that Mother's Day is coming up (May 13th for the calendar challenged) and have a great week!


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