Saturday, April 22, 2006

Just some updates to old posts here:

The engagement ring finally came in! There's a picture-------------->
Thanks again Aunt Sylvia and Uncle Bob for the help! ^^

Okay, okay, the showtimes are as follows: Saturday, April 29, 2006 shows are at 2pm and 4pm. Sunday, April 30, 2006 shows are at 2:30pm and 4:30pm. Anyway, hope to see you all there! Oh yeah, I think it costs money, but not a whole lot... um, I'll get back to ya'll on that.

JC has informed me that the masculine form of ballerina should undoubtedly be ballerin. This is deduced from the Spanish for little dancer girl, bailarina (unsure on spelling - sorry).

There will, sadly, be no turkey tacos at any of the performances of this year's Alice in Wonderland. It is on the docket for next year however, so let's all keep our fingers crossed. ^^

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

No music. lol That's what happened in the middle of the first show of 'Alice in Wonderland' yesterday. We persevered, though, and got the music back up two scenes later. In the meantime, Courtney (as Madame Fish) and the girl playing Master Frog did a wonderful job in what I can only call a cappella dancing. hehe Courtney said she felt like a mime. No one booed them, however, so they must not have been TOO much like mimes.

After the first show we got to break for lunch before our second performance for the kids of Three Rivers. It's been quite sometime since I've had high school cafeteria lunch, and I must say I have not missed it. We had the good fortune of being there on "turkey taco" day. I honestly can't see how that meat was turkey though, even after eating it. Hmmm. Oh well. At least they had cottage cheese. I like cottage cheese. Mmmmm.

The second show saw a flawless execution musically, though I, personally, performed less well. My hood fell off even more in this second showing, leaving my ear-less. *sigh* Even worse, though, was that I forgot to turn one of the flats, for various reasons (the flat I was dragging off stage got stuck on something and then I just completely forgot to go out and flip the next flat between the stress of getting the first flat unstuck and trying to remember to do the new task which I had JUST been assigned). All in all it was no biggie, though, since the owl flipped my flat for me after she flipped hers. Shew.

Anyway, the shows on the 29th and 30th are bound to just be positively ROCKIN' now that we've got these shows (and their bugs) under our belts. Hope to see you all there!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

It's getting closer and closer to the big debut of the Kalamazoo Ballet and Bullard School's 2006 performance of Alice in Wonderland, feat. yours truly! We perform on Monday for some kids in Three Rivers and then we get a couple of weeks before we get to truly shine (or crash 'n' burn) in front of friends and family! wahoo!

The past two days caught Thea and I at the school for upwards of 7 hours, as we had both dress rehearsal and set/costume work to do. Thea has been drafted/volunteered to be the art consultant or assistant set designer or some such thing. I have been drafted to be her assistant (though I am quite horrible at it - on Wednesday I just slept on the floor while she painted lol).

Anyway, if you're around hope you can make the show on Sat. 4/29 or Sun. 4/30, at both 2 and 4 o'clock.

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Thea and I are going to Les Miserables today at the Fisher Theatre in Detroit. It promises to be a most excellent event. Thea has never seen it before, so it's pretty exciting. I got her the tickets waaaay back in January for our seventh year anniversary. I know, I know - awwwwwww, right?

Anyway, we're gonna make a day of it and stop by Ann Arbor on the way. You know, eat some Japanese food, mebbe some NYPD or Pancheros or Tios, some Bubble Island Bubble Tea, ice cream from Stucchis... hmmm, mebbe I shouldn't have eaten yesterday in order to prepare for today's utterly gluttonous gorge-fest. hehe Also, we'll visit Bonnie and Tonia (Bonnie's staying at Tonia's for a little while). Anyway, pretty exciting stuff.

I gotta work at ten thirty tomorrow, though, so I guess we're not staying out TOO late. Oh well, I have trouble staying up much past midnight anyway (which is fine since 17 ALWAYS wakes me up in the morning well before nine...). He starts scratching the windows and the walls all around the bed, beginning usually around 7:30, until one of us gets up and feeds him. If, after a good half an hour, that STILL hasn't risen us out of bed, he begins meowing about 1/4 inch away from our faces. If our persistence to sleep is still holding, he then begins attacking our telephones (which we us as alarm clocks and which he knows, beyond a shadow of a doubt, are the magic noise making devices which never fail to stir us out of bed) and repeating the whole process over again. At any rate, it makes me think the Pavlov really wasn't onto anything breakthrough with his conditional reflex dog study. I mean, it's like totally obvious, but, maybe I can only say that because I already know the theory... I wonder.