Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So it got warm. It got warm and we went outside. It got warm, we went outside, and X wanted his outside toys. It got warm, we went outside, X wanted his toys, and he need help. It got warm, we went outside, X wanted his toys, he needed help, and I helped him. I helped him, and Tommy died. Yup, that's how it went down. See, Tommy was my piggy bank. He was a good piggy bank and he held lots of coins (and one two-dollar bill). The worst part about it was the picking up all that change (and finding something big enough to store it all in).

I took some pictures of the macabre scene, but, in what can only be called tragic, my computer broke too! It appears that my hard drive has kicked the bucket. So, as soon as I'm able to get that up and running I'll post some pictures of Tommy as he was and of Tommy as he is (or I guess was later, since he's been cleaned up now and all).

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

So a good friend of mine pointed out to me that today is, in fact, pi day. Awesome! In celebration, I'd like to show you all this cool representation of pi as colors. Very nice!

Also, we (my roommates, Geno, and I) are unintentionally celebrating PI day by eating PIzza at "The PIe" restaurant (which even has, as part of it's name, the pi symbol). How cool is that?

All this pi talk has reminded me of the wonderful joke:

What do you get when you take a jack-o'-lantern and divide it's circumference by it's diameter?
Why Pumpkin Pi of course!

I know, pretty lame, huh?