Wednesday, December 20, 2006

A day late (and a dollar short?) on this post. I was at work too long yesterday to fit a post in. A co-worker and I have been working on an ID card application site and the deadline is close. Unfortunately (for the project), I have 2 sold days of training (today and tomorrow) and then a mini Christmas Break, so I won't be back to help until next Wednesday... So, I worked from 7 to 6 yesterday and finished up as much as possible.

Last Friday we had our IT Christmas "Party", which was held off-site at our server storage solution. We had some good food, but that's pretty much where the party aspect ended. lol It turned into a year-end review meeting instead, but it was still fun nonetheless. After the meeting part was over, we got a tour of the facility. This particular facility is just absolutely state of the art. It was built as a data storage center and, as such, was able to be built to the precise specifications and needs a data center requires. Some of the highlights are redundant power supplies, redundant broadband access, earthquake proof (up to 7.5), water-less fire prevention, redundant security points, etc. They get their power from 2 separate power companies. If the power STILL goes out, then they have 240 batteries that provide at least 15 minutes of emergency power until the emergency generator kicks on (of which they have 3, in case one (or two) fails). If there is a fire, a gas is released into the affected area that reduces the oxygen level in the air from 21 to 15 percent. At this level fire cannot combust but humans can still breathe. There is a three foot "moat" around and under the building. This moat is filled with nothing, but serves to provide freedom of movement for the building (which is on giant shock absorbing struts) in case of an earthquake. Perhaps needless to say, it's quite the impressive place.

Anyway, I'm headed to that mittened mass of land tomorrow and hope to see as many of you readers as possible. If I miss any of you (which will inevitably happen in the finite frame of my visit) then I hope you have a wonderful winter season!

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Wow. I guess I should post short posts ALL the time - look at all the comments I get!
Or mebbe I just need to post controversial words. Hmmm.

Chthonic myrmidons exacerbate chiromancing gitana.


Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo. (hehe)

In keeping up with the news, the painting is mostly finished, at least for now. The living room has been painted a nice mossy green. The kitchen is what one could easily refer to as spice. And my bedroom? Why nothing but the finest, choicest yellows for my bedroom. lol That's right, I said yellowS. Only two though, so don't fret too much. The primary wall color is what some call a "kindergarten sunshine yellow" or a nice "Cheer Bear yellow". Xavier says it's "Banana Yellow". The trim, the built in shelves, the bottoms of the ceiling beams, and one side of the soffets are a beautiful ochre. Mmmm. OH! And then, the COOLEST part, is that Ariel worked REALLY hard to make a pattern of ochre and light yellow diamonds. It's truly transcendental.

On 12/5 the movers told me my stuff would be there in 4 days. 7 days later (today), the stuff has still not arrived. Fret not fair friends, they assure me that it'll be here this weekend or, at the latest, *next* Tuesday. /sigh

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Short post today.

Last weekend was spent moving into the new house. It was a long, cold weekend to say the least. I say we moved, and this is true, but notice I didn't say we were unpacked. We are to finish painting before we finish unpacking. Hopefully Sunday will see us unpacking (that's the plan), but the arrival of the rest of my stuff via the movers is set for sometime in the next 3 days. This event could easily change the plans, as the garage is currently full meaning that surely something must go in the house when it arrives, irregardless of paint status.

Also, we have been internet free at home since last Saturday. Suffice it to say, these have been 4 long, hard, arduous days...