Thursday, December 29, 2005
sometimes life can be so disenchanting, as I'm sure you're aware. It's weird, though, everything can be sailing along just as it always does, and just one day (or several) it bugs you. I mean, it's the same old stuff, but all of the sudden it's boring, dreary, unfulfilling, sad, wrong, unkempt, and just plain not the way you had perceived it to be. Luckily, it usually goes back to the way it was - sometimes of its own accord, sometimes through one's owns actions... In a way, the disenchanted becomes disenchanted, or shall we say re-enchanted? It all depends, really, on whether we want to consider positive things enchanted, or negative. I, personally, have always felt enchanted to be a positive thing. Anyway, nothing is more indicative of these feelings for me than work. I can handle the daily grind and doldrums of the actual customer service aspect, but sometimes the employees are just too much for me, I swear. For months at a time we can cruise along and everything's fine and I am so proud of how wonderful and kind and perfect they all are. Then, I don't know, they collectively set out to prove me wrong. No, that's not quite right. I mean, I still love 'em all to death (which may be reason enough for me NOT to be a manager), but, and I suppose everyone in the world is guilty of this, or near enough, and certainly *I* am as guilty of it as the next one, but, they seem to just up and collectively decide to hate on some poor new-hire. Now, sure, the new-hire is bar-none a slow learner, a blacksheep, and a pariah, but, dang it, they're trying their hardest more oft than not (there definitely have been exceptions to this). I don't know, it just isn't fair to this new person to not only have to learn all the ins-and-outs of the job as a whole (which, given time, is quite an easy job - but it's a lot to learn all at once), but to also deal with constant scorn, ridicule, and attitude from their coworkers (who *should* be their support system, after all). I know it's human nature, but it's just so cruel. It's disenchanting is all. And that makes me sad.
Saturday, December 24, 2005
Well, it's Christmas evening and I'm finally out of work (well, I have been for 'bout an hour or so I guess). Gotta get ready for the drive back home soon. Should be fun times, visitin' the family and all. Hope all is well with everyone. Merry Christmas! ^^
Friday, December 23, 2005
went over to Emily's today and helped make Christmas cookies. What I should say is helped eat her successfully baked cookies while simultaneously ruining two batches of no-bake cookies. I blame the first on poor directions (no offense Cathy) and the second on ADD. No, I dunno, that's a cop out, 'specially since I've never really considered myself to have such an affliction. Really, though, we (Thea 'n' I) just got so excited when the cocoa/butter/sugar mixture started to boil that we completely omitted the "stir for 1.5 minutes step" that Kristina's sister, Jessie, had so thoughtfully and patiently provided us. *sigh* I blame it on myself. I blame it on Anne Shirley, too. I had never seen that movie before, and I ran out of time to watch the first movie in its entirety, let alone the whole sage, 'fore Emily up and kicked us out (claiming to have to "go to work" or some such malarky!). Anyway - it was quite fun and I think dying in a vat of delicious food is a romantic way for anything to die - not just mice!
Wednesday, December 21, 2005
Thea got a present today from her mum (she says mum, not mom or mommy or mother dearest or MOM so, I'll respect her opinion and refer to her mother dearest as mum - why not, right?) and it was the hugest package I've ever seen! Seriously, this thing was mammoth. Well, I mean, for a package from UPS anyway. Something like four and a half feet tall and two and a half feet deep and wide. yowza. PLUS, it was just chock full of peanuts. Caution: incoming tangent. So, I was wanting to type chock, you know, to say chock full of peanuts, and I'm all like, Melissa (that's my roomate), Melissa, how do you spell chock? As in chock full? Is it like chalk? or is it choc? And she's all like, I think it's chock. Well, so, wanting to be the studious fellow, I looked it up and, low and behold Melissa, of course, was correct. A chock is a block (as in block of wood) that one places under a wheel or some such thing in order to prevent whatever the wheel may have belonged to from rolling away. So... how does chock full make any sense? Well... it seems chock can also mean as completely as possible. And then it said, as in "chock-a-block full." So my question, dear friends, is who ever says chock-a-block full? I mean honestly, has anyone EVER heard ANYONE, at least until now, say "chock-a-block full?" Just curious. Anyway, so it was just chock full of these peanuts and Thea, bless her heart, just tipped the container upside down (and over her face, too! - the brave soul) in order to ascertain the cavernous carton's contents. Well, it was a sewing dummy, or what I guess is called a dress from and she was excited so that's good for her. yup.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Okies, I'm bloggin' in style now. is, well, rather limited, as far as blogging is concerned. So I'm gonna blog from here henceforth, namely because one could post comments anonymously if one felt so inclined. That first post is just there to be a placeholder for my profile picture. Eventually it will fade away into archived anonymity and then we can all rest easy, as two of me on one page is quite the shock! hehe