Well, we made it. After almost 30 hours of driving, tHeA and I made it safely (and sick-ly to Utah). Last Wednesday I woke up with a cold and it was downhill from there. Now, I didn't wear any sort of SARS mask, so I'm afraid I may have infected an entire ship (by which I mean an airplane), everyone on my mother's side of the family (and my immediate family), thea's family, thea's sister's in-laws, my sister's roomates and their boyfriends (some of whom were mere friends who happened to be boys), a handful of gas station attendants, a trifling of hotel staff, 3 dogs, 2 cats, and a turtle. Not bad for a weekend's (albeit a 5 day weekend) work, eh?
The trip was surprisingly enjoyable (other than the sick as a dog part). I got to spend time with my fiancee AND ride in my new car. Though we DID receive the guitar on Friday, just in time to cram into the car, we DIDN'T find an opportunity in which to actually play it whilst riding in the car. It was a little crowded afterall. Too crowded, in fact, to be able to bring dear 17 with us. Lucky Em and D2 get to bask in his feline glory for another month until we can bring him back after Christmas on the plane. All in all, I think this will be a better situation (thanks for the insight Bob!) than the driving back scenario. Though ThEa is sad, understandably, at missing out on his morose morning mewing, perhaps she will be comforted in knowing that distance makes the heart grow fonder. Nah, I didn't think so either. :p
Today brought two firsts for me. Firstly, the first rays of the morning sun saw the first big snowfall since I first arrived here in Utah. Also, today saw the first time for me to be bitten by a dog. It's not a bad bite, not by any means, but it is a bite nonetheless. I was attempting to move Badger off of the couch, as we (thEA and I) did believe him to be atop a desired sweatshirt. I attempted this move with but a kind word and a gentle prod. Badger apparently REALLY likes the couch, however, as these actions prompted a quick bite (or two). It broke skin a little, and pinched a little, but, really it is next to nothing. He calmed down very quickly afterwards and got off the couch. Alas, the sweatshirt was not under the dog. *sigh*
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Yikes! I have a dour post and then miss a weak. Sorry 'bout that! Not the impression I meant to leave. Things have been looking up. I got the movin' debacle ironed out. The accident thing is still a bummer, but cerainly no the end of the world.
Next week is Thanksgiving and will find me back in Michigan. Yep, I'll be there for 2 short days 'fore the big drive back to Utah. What's exciting is that I'll get to seem Thea (I was sure to capitalize it that time) and my family and (some of) Thea's family and my car. Yay! What's not so exciting is a 25 hour drive with 17. He doesn't like cars very much...
Ariel and Randall put a bid in on a house and it was accepted! So, as long as nothing surprising pops up, we'll all find ourselves in a much bigger, nice new (to us) house on December 2nd! Just a week after Thea gets here. Cool!
Next week is Thanksgiving and will find me back in Michigan. Yep, I'll be there for 2 short days 'fore the big drive back to Utah. What's exciting is that I'll get to seem Thea (I was sure to capitalize it that time) and my family and (some of) Thea's family and my car. Yay! What's not so exciting is a 25 hour drive with 17. He doesn't like cars very much...
Ariel and Randall put a bid in on a house and it was accepted! So, as long as nothing surprising pops up, we'll all find ourselves in a much bigger, nice new (to us) house on December 2nd! Just a week after Thea gets here. Cool!
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
Been having a bad run lately...
The movers came and picked up my stuff last Thursday. While this is certainly good news, several things went wrong. 1) They were supposed to give 24 hours notice. They gave five hours notice. It worked out, though, so no biggie, it's just odd that three separate representatives of the moving companies informed me that the move would take place on either Friday or Saturday and that the actual guys with the truck would call * at least* 24 hours in advance to schedule a pickup time. This didn't happen, and thus was a little worrisome. 2) The movers showed up with the wrong inventory list! The list they had somehow managed to get didn't match a single list I had ever submitted to the company (we went through four or five iterations before reaching an agreement). Their odd list didn't have several VERY important items on it, such as the bed, television (okay not SUPER important), computer desk, thea's dresser, and thea's bicycle. Unfortunately, I don't know what the result will end up being, but suffice it to say I am not pleased. I have called all three company representatives who I have had dealings with (from 2 separate moving companies, apparently one contracts to the other) and they are supposedly working it out...
Randall is nearing the end of a big project at work and, as such, has been burning the midnight oil. Yesterday this was no problem, as I work from home on Tuesdays. Today it was handled smoothly by Randall giving me the keys to the truck and letting me drive myself home. Disastrously, I was hit by a car on the way home!!!! Luckily, no one was hurt. Also, neither car suffered much damage. The car of the old lady, Geraldine, suffered but the tiniest of scratches. Randall's truck, on the other hand, suffered more at the hands of Ms. Merge-into-me. It received a black mark and a dent in the passengers side front-panel, stretching from headlight to door-seam. It's not as bad as it sounds, I think, but we'll wait 'til Randall sees it to make final judgement on that...
So, like I said, 'tis been a bad run lately ;_;
The movers came and picked up my stuff last Thursday. While this is certainly good news, several things went wrong. 1) They were supposed to give 24 hours notice. They gave five hours notice. It worked out, though, so no biggie, it's just odd that three separate representatives of the moving companies informed me that the move would take place on either Friday or Saturday and that the actual guys with the truck would call * at least* 24 hours in advance to schedule a pickup time. This didn't happen, and thus was a little worrisome. 2) The movers showed up with the wrong inventory list! The list they had somehow managed to get didn't match a single list I had ever submitted to the company (we went through four or five iterations before reaching an agreement). Their odd list didn't have several VERY important items on it, such as the bed, television (okay not SUPER important), computer desk, thea's dresser, and thea's bicycle. Unfortunately, I don't know what the result will end up being, but suffice it to say I am not pleased. I have called all three company representatives who I have had dealings with (from 2 separate moving companies, apparently one contracts to the other) and they are supposedly working it out...
Randall is nearing the end of a big project at work and, as such, has been burning the midnight oil. Yesterday this was no problem, as I work from home on Tuesdays. Today it was handled smoothly by Randall giving me the keys to the truck and letting me drive myself home. Disastrously, I was hit by a car on the way home!!!! Luckily, no one was hurt. Also, neither car suffered much damage. The car of the old lady, Geraldine, suffered but the tiniest of scratches. Randall's truck, on the other hand, suffered more at the hands of Ms. Merge-into-me. It received a black mark and a dent in the passengers side front-panel, stretching from headlight to door-seam. It's not as bad as it sounds, I think, but we'll wait 'til Randall sees it to make final judgement on that...
So, like I said, 'tis been a bad run lately ;_;